page contents Why getting a tattoo removal is so difficult
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Why getting a tattoo removal is so difficult

With so many people getting tattoos these days, you’d think someone would have already found a solution. The problem is, that getting a tattoo is a lot harder than removing one.

Going through the grueling removal process was tough enough; the costs unbearable for most. In fact, many people don’t even bother committing to a program that usually takes longer than a year to complete.

There are many factors that can influence how difficult a tattoo may be to remove. Some of these factors include:

The depth: Tattoos are injected in the dermis layer, the second layer of skin right below the epidermis.

Color: Different tattoo colors require different treatment methods.

The size of the ink particle: Tattoos stay in your skin because the ink particles are too large for your body to remove naturally.

The tone of your skin: The darker your skin tone is, the more difficult it can be to treat with lasers and more pain-full.

Needless to say, these factors pose significant challenges to people who try to perform a tattoo removal.

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